
Advice, Consultation and Training

Safety Management

Safety management systems are frequently seen as a series of documents which companies produce as evidence of their compliance with safety regulations. A number of well publicised major incidents reveal that in reality it is the safety ethos and culture of an organisation that is key to effective safety management. This needs those for whom the system is aimed at protecting, to own it and instinctively work in harmony with it.  Management engagement and work force adoption of procedures and practices, are essential to keep a work place safe. Safety is an investment, providing a benefit to the business in proportion to the level of investment. The marine sector is one of the most potentially hazardous places to work in and requires common sense and personal awareness far in excess of most other working environments. We can help optimize the benefits of investment by assuring that effective, efficient, relevant and proportionate safety management procedures and processes are in place.  

Security Management

The changing global geo-political environment presents unparalleled vulnerabilities to a range of modern security threats . Security has become the topic that safety was 20 years ago. Companies have a duty of care for their most valuable assets - People are the number one resource in every organization. Security management, including all the risk assessment, threat reduction and mitigation measures that go with it, can be complex but they must also fit the business model. Terrorism, violent criminal acts like piracy and lower level threats, all have to be dealt with. We can provide advice, based on years of experience in marine security, on how best to plan for security threats wherever you are operating. Successfully defending your business from a security threat has reputational, financial and moral rewards vastly outweighing the initial cost outlay of a properly configured, comprehensive and targeted risk assessment. While a plan might 'never survive the first contact with the enemy' it is also true that  'prior planning prevents poor performance'. We can advise on strategies to strengthen your company security culture now and for the future. 

Cyber Security Management

A plethora of cyber security management guidance has been produced over the recent months by a number of authorities, such as the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the EU in the guise of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the US Cyber Security Regulations. This has been in response to the growing cyber threat which is the subject of daily news reports and the damage attacks cause to businesses. For the marine industry which works in a cross-jurisdictional medium, understanding the implications and inter-related compliance issues can be very challenging and costly. We can help businesses to negotiate the potential pitfalls and improve business continuity resilience in this dynamic threat environment.  First, we'll establish the needs of your business and then scope out how to defend your assets and critical data resources. We work with our colleagues at Cobweb Cyber to provide detailed ISMS and cyber security guidance.

About Us

MSSC uses a network of marine safety and security professionals mainly from the defence sector with specialist marine experience in safety & security. Strategic Advisor Chris Baldwin spent 30 years in the Royal Navy before moving to the International Marine Contractors' Association in 2014 as one of its Technical Advisors. A unique career in both marine roles and underwater Explosive Ordnance Disposal is matched with a number of 'soft' skills, which enables him to deliver positive change and improvement to business in any domain but with special knowledge of the marine sector. With many connections to other specialists with correspondingly unique specialist knowledge, means that a solution tailored to your needs is not much more than a phone call away. 
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